- A scab formed on his leg. 他腿上结了个痂.
- He had a wound on his leg and two more on his body. 他腿上有一处伤,身上有两处。
- I found a stab wound on his leg. 我在他的腿上发现一处刺伤。
- He had a plaster cast on his leg. 他的腿上了石膏。
- A scab had formed on his knee. 他的膝盖上结了个痂。
- The cut on his leg is scarring well. 他大腿上的伤口结疤情形良好。
- The coachman, a black form on his box, whipped up his thin horses. 车夫,象一个黑影坐在他的座位上,鞭打着他那两匹瘦弱的马。
- His leg muscle tense and he rises on his toes. 他的腿部肌肉收紧,脚趾发力。
- Through exercise; he put ready an inch on his leg. 通过锻炼他的腿又粗了差不多1寸。
- Blood was oozing out of the wound on his leg. 血正从他腿上的伤口渗出来。
- The old man is not steady on his legs. 这位老人站不稳。
- A little boy with braces on his legs before? 小孩子戴脚撑的吗?
- Loyd came a cropper on his bicycle and broke his leg. 劳埃德骑自行车时猛摔一咬,断了腿骨。
- Beads of perspiration began to form on his forehead. 他的额头上开始渗出滴滴汗珠。
- He had a few visible defects on his legs. 他腿上有几处明显的缺陷。
- The idea for the new synthetic was sparked by the way wounds heal: First a scab forms,then skin fills in the hole. 研究人员的灵感来自伤口的愈合方式:先是结痂,然后皮肤再来填补裂口。
- The idea for the new synthetic was sparked by the way wounds heal: First a scab forms, then skin fills in the hole. 研究人员的灵感来自伤口的愈合方式:先是结痂,然后皮肤再来填补裂口。
- When he break his leg it put the kybosh on his holiday. 他摔坏了腿,度假只好中止。
- The idea for the new synthetic was sparked by the way wounds heal:First a scab forms, then skin fills in the hole. 研究人员的灵感来自伤口的愈合方式:先是结痂,然后皮肤再来填补裂口。
- The stirrup leathers rubbed raw patches on his legs. 马蹬皮带把他腿上的皮肤擦伤引起疼痛。